3 min read

What Are Slots in Laravel Components?

In this article, we will explore the concept of slots in Laravel components. We will discuss what slots are, how to use them, and why they are useful. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to leverage slots in your Laravel projects to create reusable and flexible components.

Slots are a powerful feature in Laravel Components that allow you to customize the contents of a component without having to modify the component itself. In this article, we will explore what slots are, how to use them, and why they are useful.

What are Slots?

In Laravel, a slot is a placeholder in a component that can be filled with content from outside the component. When you define a slot in a component, you are creating a space for external content to be injected into the component. This external content can be anything: text, HTML, other components, etc.

How to Use Slots

Using slots in Laravel Components is easy. First, you need to define the slot in your component. This is done using the slot directive:

// Component file
    <h1>{{ $title }}</h1>
        {{ $slot }}

In this example, we have defined a slot in our component using the {{ $slot }} directive. This slot will be filled with external content when the component is used.

To fill the slot with content, you simply need to pass content into the component when you use it:

<x-MyComponent title="My Component">
    <p>This is the content that will go in the slot.</p>

In this example, we are passing a paragraph of text into the x-MyComponent component. This text will be injected into the slot that we defined in the component.

Why Use Slots?

Slots are useful because they allow you to create highly customizable components that can be used in a wide variety of contexts. By defining slots in your components, you are giving users of your components the ability to inject their own unique content into the component, without having to modify the component itself.

This can be particularly useful when you are building reusable components that will be used in many different parts of your application. By using slots, you can create components that are highly flexible and adaptable, making them much more useful in a wide variety of contexts.


In conclusion, slots are a powerful feature in Laravel Components that allow you to create highly customizable and reusable components. By defining slots in your components, you are giving users of your components the ability to inject their own unique content into the component, without having to modify the component itself. This makes your components much more flexible and adaptable, and ultimately more useful in a wide variety of contexts.

I hope this article has shown you how you could easily use slots in Laravel Components. If you enjoyed reading this post and would like me to write an article on a specific topic, please send an email to info@codewithdary.com.